Saturday, January 3, 2009

EvErY bOdy PuT YouR hAnDs iN tHe AiR!

Today that title is so true. I am so thankful that there are so many people in this world that are so kind and want to help others. David has been looking for work for quite some time. He has put in over 15 applications to diffrent types of work, and nothing has turned up. Now i know some may say "Well why doesnt he just go flip burgers intell something better comes up". Dont worry we have thought of this many of a times, but this is the reasoning to why we dont want him to. With the pay that they would pay him it would just be better to have him stay at home with milo so i can go to work early and not have to worry about finding a babysitter. (He also has dinner waiting for me when i get home. :) Hes kind of like a stay at home daddy. So i do have to say i will miss him when he goes back to work.) The pay wouldnt be worth it at all. So this is why hes not at burger king (thanks for telling us lousil, daves grandma, that they were hirring. LOL)
But on with the story. Dave had called his parents bishop to see if he needed any help in his business that he ownes. Sorry i dont know the name of the business and either does dave yet.. But he just said that he was busy and needed someone to spray insulation into the attics of peoples homes. He also said that if dave could find someone to go with him and run the hopper (the machine that feeds the insulation to the hose) he could just run his own crew after he learns the whole job requierments. I think that also means he will be getting his own truck. Which will be nice cuz then i will have a car. So we are thankful for this. It pays very well and he starts monday. Dave is very excited as am I. I know he will do so good and is a very fast, hard working fool. I thank everyone who prayed for us or kept us in there thoughts.
Earlier this week we were going threw the newspaper looking at the ity bity classifieds for jobs. As we were looking threw the pages there was an add saying "Now is the time to apply for firefighting positions". So we got on the website and basically filled out a reseme that you can put out on line. Then they go and pick and choose over the net, i guess. Dont know. But if he gets a call back on this we have decided he would go and do this. Its seasonal work but pays as much as a job would pay in a year. The training is all paid for and i think the food to. He basically gets to camp out and fight wild fires. Now i know your all thinking but what about this other job he just got. WELL let me splain..... If he only has to work seasonal at this wild fire job then when he comes back he can work at this new job he just got. And go back and forth. I bet his bishop would probley work something out. But anyway we dont even know if he is getting that job yet so? Were just hopeing he does.
Hmmm. I cant think of anything else to say that really was like cooler then that there story. So thanks for reading. I need to go and find everyone i know who has a blog so i can like blog it up with everyone. Thanks for everyone who has helped david milo and I, with telling dave about jobs that were opened or who was looking for people and just being there. I am so glad that this new year of 2009 is starting out really good.
God bless!

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